1999-2000 14 starts: 1xI, 2xII, 2xIII, 2xIV, 1xV
2002 colt GEB (Monar) bay, unraced, gelded, sold to Germany
2003 colt GALAHAD (Werbum) chest., 1/8 (0-3-1-3), at the Stud
2004 filly GANGA (Emigrant) grey, Class Winner (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Tulip Cup - Deurne (NL) & at the Scanadinavian Open Championships - Blommeröd (SE), unraced, at the Stud
2005 filly GAJA SELENE (Emigrant) grey, Class Winner (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL), unraced, at the Stud
2006 filly GAJA NIKE (Emigrant) grey, at the Stud
2007 filly GAJA IRIS (Poganin) chest., at the Stud
bred to GALBA
A strikingly rich chestnut bearing one of the most desirable pedigrees around, a daughter of champions with show and breeding results to match – Granada represents a wonderful opportunity for international breeders to benefit from her splendid genetic potential. A Top Five class finalist from the Junior Spring Show in Białka, she generously passes on her conformational features to her progeny, as seen in internationaly recognized class winner GANGA, Białka Top Five class finalists GANGA, GAJA IRIS, GAJA NIKE & GALAHAD and Białka Spring Show class winner GAJA SELENE. Potent prolific abilities are a trademark of MONOGRAMM daughters, who not only rule the show arena with their own looks – EMMONA, EMPIRYKA, ESPADRILLA, PALMIRA, EMBRA, ELANDRA, EGZONERA, PALESTYNA, GEORGIA, ETENTA, EKSCELLA, DEMONA and Michałów’s “Big Three” KWESTURA, FALLADA & ZAGROBLA are names that instantly come to mind – but consistently share their genes with their offspring, producing exceptional specimen, as witnessed in: Polish National & Spring Show Champion, European Reserve Champion, World Top Ten & Al Khalediah Reserve Champion KABSZTAD (out of KWESTURA), European Champion PISTORIA (out of PALMIRA), Polish National Champion Colt & Polish National Reserve Champion Stallion DRABANT (out of DEMONA), Ajman Champion BIDAYER (out of ESKALOPKA), World & Polish National Champion GALILEA & South African multichampion GEORGETOWN (out of GEORGIA), European multiple champion GIRLAN BEY (out of GRACJA-BIS), All Nations Cup & Polish National Champion Filly, Polish National Champion Mare and European Reserve Champion Mare EMIRA (out of EMBRA), Polish National & Spring Show Champion Filly, Wels Champion Mare EJRENE and Swedish & Scandinavian Champion, Tulip Cup Reserve Champion EMILIUSZ (out of EMOCJA), St. Petersburg International Champion GARUNA (out of GWARKA). Granada’s dam GRENLANDIA was considered one of the best and most beautiful EUKALIPTUS daughters, proof of which are the titles of Polish National, Babolna & UK International Champion and Arabian Masters Reserve Champion. Tail female, GRENLANDIA traces to the illustrious GASTRONOMIA, a highly valued mare and dam to a “G” family of accomplished show stars. Representing the unparalleled success of the Michałów breeding program, Granada is indisputably one of the most interesting offers in the 2009 Pride of Poland collection.