2006 colt WIZBON (Psytadel) grey, at the Stud
2008 filly WILLA ROSA (Psytadel) bay, at the Stud
2009 a colt by Psytadel, at the Stud
bred to POGANIN
An irresistably beautiful young mare destined for greatness as a show horse, Wizga may very well be one of the important offerings in the 2009 Pride of Poland collection. Competing in the same class as PIANISSIMA at the Polish Nationals she did not allow to be overshadowed and came out with an amazing score of 90,5 points! The international jury acknowledged her supreme aristocratic quality, a gorgeous head with large, engaging eyes, a long, shapely neck of impressive elasticity, a smooth, strongly coupled build and an energetic, animated and powerful trot. These phenomenal features are the endowment of her sire – the most accomplished stallion of Polish breeding today – King of the Ring EKSTERN, a horse with a stellar pedigree, phenotype to match and genetic potential as witnessed in his successful progeny. EKSTERN is the result of crossing living legend MONOGRAMM, whose offspring on Polish soil have propelled this great horse to immortal stardom, to Michałów’s highly acclaimed “E” dam line of champions – world-acclaimed EMIGRANTKA, EMIGRANT, EMANACJA, EMANDA, EMANDORIA, EL DORADA to name but a few. His show-stopping charisma and regal carriage have earned him the coveted European Triple Crown champion titles among others, traits which he strongly stamps onto his progeny: Middle Eastern multichampion ESPARTO, European Champion Filly, All Nations Cup, European & Polish National Reserve Champion Mare PALANGA, Wels International Reserve Champion Filly, Vilhelmsborg International Champion Filly PSYCHE VICTORIA, Polish National Champion Colt CELSJUSZ, Polish National Champion Filly & Wels International Champion Mare SEFORA, Polish National Reserve Champion Filly PINTA (Lot 10.), Polish National Reserve Champion Filly EKSTERNA, Vilhelmsborg Reserve Champion Filly SZANTA, Babolna International Reserve Champion Filly EPIMA, Spring Show Champions PRADO & PSYCHE KREUZA and Spring Show Reserve Champion Fillies WILGA & ALTAMIRA. In the tradition of the classic Arabian, the get of EKSTERN grow steadily more elegant and refined as they mature, all the while maintaining the superior build for which they are so highly regarded. Maternally Wizga traces directly to Michałów’s precious broodmare, US National Champion Mare WIZJA, the source of show champions Spring Show Reserve Champion Filly WILGA, Spring Show Champion Filly WIAŹMA, Spring Show Champion Filly WIEŻA BABEL and Spring Show Champion Filly, Polish National Reserve Champion Filly and Pride of Poland 2002 high-seller at 220,000 dollars WIEŻA WIATRÓW. With her astonishing good looks and impeccable pedigree, expect Wizga to lead the charge as one of EKSTERN’s premier daughters on both the show arena and the breeding barn.