22. HEBE
Breeder, owner: Tarus Arabians/Agricola Farm
PASB Vol. XIV/V p. 55
grey mare
Date of birth: 23rd of February 2001
Measurements: 156-188-18 cm
Sire line: Bairactar d.b. imp. 1817 to Weil
Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce
KUBINEC chest., 1987 |
grey, 1994 Kurozwęki Stud/Agricola Farm |
BALATON chest., 1982 |
KOSMETIKA bay, 1976 |
PEPTON grey, 1977 |
HERALDYKA grey, 1982 |
Menes |
Panagia |
Muscat |
Karta |
Bandos |
Pemba |
Palas |
Haronia |
Nabeg |
Metropolia |
Aswan (Raafat) |
Pustinia |
Salon |
Malpia |
Arax |
Kapella |
Negatiw |
Bandola |
Czort |
Penza |
Aswan (Raafat) |
Panel |
Celebes |
Harmonia |
Racing record:
2004 1 start: 1xI
Breeding record:
2006 colt HORESZKO (Wołyń) grey, gelded, a the Stud
2007 filly HABIBA (Złocień) grey, at the Stud
2008 not bred
Breeding status:
bred to EKSTERN
The very first Polish-bred daughter of KUBINEC to be available at public auction, Hebe represents the highest level of achievement in blending well-established Polish damlines with foreign blood. The Tersk-bred chestnut charmer KUBINEC, an immensely successful show horse as German National, European & World Champion, has established himself as a highly coveted breeding sire with his offspring winning almost every title an Arabian can win, including World, European, US National Champion Stallion and Scottsdale Grand Champion – with EL NABILA B, KORONEC & FS BENGALI ranking as one of the very best. KUBINEC possesses the remarkable ability to bless his get with his superior characteristics and Hebe has benefitted from her sire’s perfect conformation with ideal balance and proportion, well defined muscular substance, a long elegantly shaped neck, length, strength and proper slope through the shoulder and quarter with impressive skeletal structure and muscular width down a short coupled level topline and flowing movement – with a phenomenal, impressively ground covering length of stride. Hebe’s feminine charm and maternal elegance are most definitely the gift of her immensely important damline, as maternally she stems from the highly acclaimed family of HARMONIA, whose input includes Janów Podlaski-bred stars European, Polish National, Swedish Champion Stallion HARACZ, Polish National Champion Stallion HARBIN & Gieboldehausen Champion Mare HABENDA, while daughter HARONIA became a core Kurozwęki broodmare, a vital part of the stud’s breeding program. Her list of accomplished descendants includes multiple US regional champion HUN, Polish National & Białka Spring Show class winners HEROLDIA & HERLINA respectively and outstanding broodmares HERALDYKA, HULANKA & HULA. HARMONIA herself traces directly to the revered BAŁAŁAJKA, dam of epochal cornerstone sire BASK and two exquisite daughters – BANDOLA & ARFA – each of whom established influential sublines of their own. BANDOLA, the “Queen of Poland”, has gained immortal status through her best offspring: the meritorious UK Champion BANAT, venerated international sire of significance BANDOS and BAJRAM, BEATRICE, BARYSZ, BANDA, BANDAMA & BALLADA – dam of Polish National Champion BALON. Full sister ARFA, being the progenitor of ARBA, was the source of such notable names as European & Polish National Champion Mare, as well as racing’s Triple Crown wielder ARRA, Polish National Champions ARARAT & ARGO, chief sire ARBIL, Polish National Reserve Champion ARGENTYNA, Austrian Champion ARRAS, and the afore mentioned HARMONIA. With a profusion of beauty as well as exceptional size and structure, Hebe will be a wonderful enhancement for any breeding program looking to capitalize on the appeal of her Russian influence and the predictability of her Polish heritage.