Breeder, owner: Janów Podlaski Stud
PASB Vol. XIV/V p. 32
bay mare
Date of birth: 22nd of April, 2001
Measurements: 153-186-18 cm
Sire line: Saklawi I (of Ali Pasha Sherif) 1886 Egypt
Dam line: Cherifa d.b. imp. 1870 to Tiaret
grey, 1985 Janów Podlaski Stud |
EMIGRANTKA grey, 1985 |
PAMIR grey, 1984 |
ELEKTRODA bay, 1977 |
Palas |
Arra |
Eukaliptus |
Emigracja |
Probat |
Parma |
Engano |
Elka |
Aswan (Raafat) |
Panel |
Bandos |
Arba |
Bandos |
Eunice |
Palas |
Emisja |
Pohaniec |
Borexia |
Aswan (Raafat) |
Pokaznaja |
Eleuzis |
Engracja |
Faher |
Eleonora |
Racing record:
2004 8 starts: 2xI, 1xII, 3xIII, 1xIV
Show record:
2006 Autumn Show Champion Mare - Janów Podlaski (PL)
Breeding record:
2006 colt EFOROS (Balon) grey, unraced, gelded, sold
2007 filly ELSTERINA (Aslan) bay, in racing training
2009 filly EFERADA (QR Marc) bay, at the Stud
2010 a colt by Gazal Al Shaqab, at the Stud
Breeding status:
bred to PIAFF
A rich chocolate coat color, regal bearing and undeniable charisma, Efuzja is evidence of a successful fusion of the finest bloodlines forged at the studs of Michałów and Janów Podlaski. A regular Polish Nationals class Top Five finalist in the toughest category of senior mares, she was ultimately crowned Senior Champion Mare at the Autumn Show in Janów Podlaski, where she scored a whooping 92,33 points, receiving a complete set of perfect “20s” for her dynamic trot, characterized with a phenomenal length of stride and ground covering, sweeping strides. Efuzja is first and foremost a leading daughter of European, Polish National & Falborek Champion Stallion, All Nations Cup, twice Polish National & Bełżyce Reserve Champion Stallion EMIGRANT, Michałów’s greatest treasure, son of Polish National Champions ARARAT & EMIGRANTKA. Personifying classic Arabian type and perfect desert beauty, EMIGRANT’s value as a sire is that he generously blesses his get with these remarkable qualities, as witnessed in Polish National Champion Colt, Swedish & Vilhelmsborg Champion Stallion, Polish National, Poznań International & Vilhelmsborg Reserve Champion Stallion EMROD, Warsaw Summer Show Reserve Champion Mare PRUDENCJA, Polish National & Warsaw Summer Show Champion Colt, Polish National, twice Bełżyce Champion Stallion, Wintzenheim Reserve Champion Stallion, Wels Top Five Stallion GASPAR, Polish National Reserve Champion Filly PUSTYNNA RÓŻA, multiUK champion mare FERRI, Austrian Champion Mare FAUSTYNA & Babolna International Champion Stallion, Vilhelmsborg Top Five Stallion MIGRANT. His daughters are also coming into their own as good-producing dams of champions: Junior Spring Show Champion Colt & Polish National Top Five Colt CHIMERYK (out of CHIMERA) and Polish National Champion Colt ALBANO (out of Lot S/1. ALENA). Maternally, Efuzja is out of ELFINA, an enchanting black PAMIR daughter, granddam of Polish National Champion Colt EL AZEM (Lot S/41.), which is very characteristic of this family. The damline of ELEONORA, to which Efuzja and ELFINA directly trace, is especially known for its superior sires, including US & Canadian Champion Stallion ELKIN, Verden Champion Colt ELEMI, Canadian Reserve Champion Stallion ELEUZIS, US & Canadian Top Ten Stallion ELEGION, Salon du Cheval Champion Stallion ENGANO, Polish National Champion Stallion ENOS, the influential, utilized in Anglo-Arabian breeding sire ELSING, chief sires ERNAL, ELF, ELBRUS, EL BAK & Swedish Champion Stallion EXELSJOR. With four good foals on the ground, including Junior Spring Show class Top Five finalists ELSTERINA & EFERADA, expect Efuzja to play a meaningful role in the expansion of this dynasty.