Breeder, owner: Michałów Stud
PASB XV-1 p. 42
grey mare
Date of birth: 11th of January, 2002
Measurements: 153-170-18 cm
Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska
Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta
MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 |
ERNESTYNA grey, 1989 |
SINUS grey, 1989 |
ESTANCJA grey, 1983 |
Negatraz |
Monogramma |
Piechur |
Erwina |
Salaa El Dine |
Senaja |
Palas |
Espada |
Bask |
Negotka |
Knippel |
Monopolia |
Banat |
Pierzeja |
Palas |
Elegancja |
Ansata Halim Shah |
Hanan |
Madkour I |
Sehnab |
Aswan (Raafat) |
Panel |
Aquinor |
Eskapada |
Racing record:
2005 5 starts
Breeding record:
2007 filly EMLA (Piruet) grey, at the Stud
2008 filly EMINESSA (Piruet) grey, at the Stud
2009 filly EMANTIA (Emigrant) chestnut, at the Stud
2010 a colt by Pegasus
Breeding status:
bred to PEGASUS
A double dose of Michałów’s finest bloodline, Emetyna is a glorious charismatic mare tracing to the remarkable ESTOKADA, foundress of the “E” dynasty of champions, through both her sire and dam. The first link to ESTOKADA comes through Emetyna’s granddam ESTANCJA, one of the superb PALAS daughters of Michałów, who produced an impressive set of champion daughters: Polish National Champion Mare EKSCELLA, Polish National Champion Filly & European Reserve Champion Mare ESTARDA & Devon Country Show & Wessex Arabian Horse Show Reserve Champion Mare ESCALANTA. Rather obvious, given the fact that she was half-sister to Polish National Champion Mare EMISJA, dam of legendary broodmatron EMIGRACJA through whom the “E” dynasty has most spread and thrived on show arenas all across the world. The ethereal EMIGRACJA has blessed the State Stud with a stellar group of champion-winning and champion-producing daughters, who have greatly contributed to propelling Michałów to its current place as one of the world’s leading Arabian studs. This incredible collection includes Babolna Champion Mare & Polish National Reserve Champion Mare ERLANDA (dam of ELANDRA); Polish National Champion & Reserve Champion Filly, Polish National Reserve Champion Mare ELLADA (dam of ENNIS); EMOCJA (dam of EMILIUSZ & EJRENE); twice World Top Ten Mare, Borgloon Top Five Champion Mare ETENTA (dam of HS ETIQUETTE); European & Polish National Reserve Champion Filly, European & Polish National Champion Mare EMIGRANTKA (dam of EMIGRANT, EDEON, ERALD, EL MUNDO, EL DORADA); and the heir to EMIGRACJA’s legacy, Polish National Champion & World Reserve Champion Filly, All Nations Cup & Polish National Champion Mare, previously also Polish National Reserve Champion Mare EMANACJA – dam of EMILDA (in turn dam of EMBRA & EMMONA), EMANOR, ESPADRILLA, EMPIRYKA and EMANDA, in turn dam of the latest “E” sensation, EMANDORIA – US National, World, European & Junior Spring Show Champion Filly, European, twice Polish National & Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Champion Mare, Arabian Breeders World Cup Champion Mare, All Nations Cup Reserve Champion Mare, World Second Reserve Champion Mare, Wels International Gold Medalist. The second link to ESTOKADA leads through Emetyna’s sire EKSTERN, nicknamed suitably the “King of the Ring”. His breeding achievements already equal those from the show arena, as he has sired many superb champions, including ESPARTO, PALANGA, WILGA, EPIMA, SZANTA, CELSJUSZ, EKINA, ALTAMIRA, BURIAT, CENOZA, SEFORA, PINTA, EKSTERNA, PRADO, PSYCHE VICTORIA, PSYCHE KREUZA & WIEŻA RÓŻ. Expect Emetyna to continue the family tradition of her famous ancestress ESTOKADA, capitalizing on the appeal and predictability of the legendary damline.