Breeder, owner: Michałów Stud
grey mare
Date of birth: 9th of January, 2004
Measurements: 152-172-18.5 cm
Sire line: Ibrahim d.b. imp. 1907 to Antoniny
Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce
GRAFIK grey, 1996 |
grey, 1997 Michałów Stud |
EUKALIPTUS grey, 1974 |
GASKONIA grey, 1987 |
grey, 1991 Michałów Stud |
PERGOLA grey, 1990 |
Bandos |
Eunice |
Probat |
Gizela |
Emigrantka |
Falsyfikat |
Plisa |
Negatiw |
Bandola |
Comet |
Epigona |
Pohaniec |
Borexia |
Palas |
Gilza |
Palas |
Arra |
Eukaliptus |
Emigracja |
Argo |
Fantastka |
Probat |
Pliszka |
Racing record:
2007 7 starts: 2xII, 3xIV
Breeding record:
2011 filly PROSARIA (Kabsztad) grey, at the Stud
2012 filly PROSNEGA (Kabsztad) grey, at the Stud
2013 a colt by Ekstern, at the Stud
Breeding status:
bred to EMPIRE
A charming broodmare from the barns of Michałów, Prosna is a superb combination of all things Michałów: their distinguished “P” line of PLISZKA and their two Polish National Champion Stallions - GRAFIK & EMIGRANT.
Prosna is a daughter of PRUDENCJA, a class top five finalist from the Junior Spring Show and Polish Nationals, as well as Senior Reserve Champion Mare from the Summer Show in Warsaw. PRUDENCJA graced the Pride of Poland stage in 2007 and found recognition in the eyes of Dubai Arabian Stud for a round amount of 70 thousand euro. The two trace back to family founder PLISZKA, whose other champion descendants include PREMIA, PREMIERA, PREMIER, PORENA, PRIMANUS QATAR, PIACENZA, PRIMERO MARC, PANIKA, PALANGA, PADOVA, PIAWEA & PALBA. The 2011 Pride of Poland Sale showed just how valued this horses are by international breeders - PANIKA earned 120 thousand Euro for her maternal stud, while PIACENZA brought in a staggering 475 thousand Euro and became the auction’s top seller.
The male heritage in Prosna comes through GRAFIK & EMIGRANT, classic Michałów-bred stallions and interestingly - the heir apparents and best sons of aristocratic Polish National Champions bred by Janów Podlaski: EUKALIPTUS & ARARAT. Both of Prosna’s sires also benefit greatly from their distaff sides. GRAFIK, himself an All Nations Cup Senior Top Five, European Senior Reserve Champion, twice World Senior Top Ten & Polish National Senior Champion Stallion, carries within him the precious bloodline of Michałów’s “G-named” showy athletes, excelling on the show arena and race track. Stake winners include GANGES, GARONNA, GENEZA, GWARO, GAFAL, GEPARD & GERMANIK, while the list of well-known champion members of this family holds such names as GASKONIA, GANGES, GASPAR, GALILEA, GEORGIA & GIRLAN-BEY.
Meanwhile EMIGRANT represents Michałów’s “E” dynasty of champions - unforgettable equine personas as EMIGRACJA, EMIGRANTKA, EMANACJA, EL DORADA, EMANDA, EMANDORIA, EMILDA, EMBRA, EMIRA, EMMONA, EMANOR, ELANDRA & 2012 Pride of Poland high seller (440 thousand euro) EJRENE. EMIGRANT himself added another chapter to his glorious family with the titles of All Nations Cup Reserve Champion, European Champion & Polish National Senior Champion Stallion, to name but the more significant ones. His splendid genes have been passed on to superb broodmares, who have gone on to produce GAJA HERA (out of his daughter GAJA SELENE), CHIMERYK & CHERONEA (out of CHIMERA), EGEMA (out of EGIRA), ALMANZOR (out of ALANTINA), ALBANO (out of ALENA), PIACENZA (out of PRIMAWERA) & LAWINIA (out of LUANDA).