Breeder, owner: Michałów Stud
chestnut mare
Date of birth: 16th of January, 2005
Measurements: 150-173-18.5 cm
Sire line: Saklawi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Szweykowska 1800 Sławuta
grey, 1991 Michałów Stud |
grey, 2000 Michałów Stud |
grey, 1985 Janów Podlaski Stud |
EMIGRANTKA grey, 1985 |
grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians (IL) |
bay, 1991 Michałów Stud |
Palas |
Arra |
Eukaliptus |
Emigracja |
Imperial Imdal |
AK Latifa |
Arbil |
Wizja |
Aswan (Raafat) |
Panel |
Bandos |
Arba |
Bandos |
Eunice |
Palas |
Emisja |
Ansata Imperial |
Dalia |
Ibn Moniet El Nefous |
Siralima |
Banat |
Arba |
El Paso |
Warmia |
Racing record:
2008-2009 17 starts: 5xII, 6xIII, 1xIV
Show record:
2006 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show – Białka (PL)
2006 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show – Janów Podlaski (PL)
Breeding record:
2011 filly WIEŻA MGIEŁ (Alert) chest., at the Stud
2012 filly WIEŻA MYŚLI (Alert) bay, at the Stud
Breeding status:
bred to EQUATOR
From Michałów’s „bold and beautiful” family of „W-named” Kuhailans comes Wieża Snów, one of the pearls of the inaugural Summer Sale collection.
Wieża Snów (translating to “Tower of Dreams”) boasts a second solid spot from the Junior Spring Show in Białka, where she placed behind Reserve Champion ALTAMIRA. On that occasion she executed her flawless leg action, garnering a full set of top marks for her trot. Movement is definitely Wieża Snów’s strong point - her racing career encompasses two full seasons, with 12 money-earning finishes from 17 starts.
Our “Tower of Dreams” is part of a larger “Tower” dynasty of distinguished equines. These include: WIEŻA RÓŻ (Tower of Roses, sister to the offered WIEŻA SNÓW) - a Polish National Junior Champion & Junior Spring Show Top Five, WIEŻA BABEL (Tower of Babel, dam of WIEŻA SNÓW), a Junior Spring Show Champion/Best in Show from Białka, as well as winner and/or class Top Three finalist from multiple events, including the Polish Nationals, WIEŻA MOCY - Junior Spring Show Top Five, Polish National Junior Champion, European Junior Bronze Medalist, Junior Spring Show Champion/Best in Show, European Junior Champion and reigning World Junior Champion, WIEŻA WIATRÓW (Tower of Winds) - Junior Spring Show Champion/Best in Show, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, World Top Ten and Pride of Poland top-seller at 220 thousand dollars, and WIEŻA MARZEŃ (Tower of Daydreams) - a Polish Nationals class winner. All “Towers” trace back to Junior Spring Show Champion WIAŹMA, a quintessential Kuhailan broodmatron and indisputably the best daughter of US National Champion WIZJA.