Breeder, owner: Janów Podlaski Stud
PASB Vol. XV-4
grey mare
Date of birth: 9th of March, 2005
Measurements: 152-174-18.0 cm
Sire line: Saklawi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce
grey, 1998 Halsdon Arabians (United Kingdom) |
grey, 1999 Janów Podlaski Stud |
SIMEON SADIK black, 1989 |
ETENTA grey, 1994 |
PRIMO grey, 1979 |
HARPIA grey, 1985 |
Asfour |
Simeon Safanad |
Monogramm |
Emigracja |
Engano |
Polka |
Ernal |
Harmonijka |
Malik |
Hanan |
Sankt Georg RSI |
27 Ibn Galal-5 |
Negatraz |
Monogramma |
Palas |
Emisja |
Eleuzis |
Engracja |
Pohaniec |
Salexja |
Palas |
Engracja |
Bandos |
Harmonia |
Racing record:
2008-2009 10 starts: 1xI, 2xII, 1xIII, 2xIV, 2xV
Breeding record:
2011 filly HEGRA (Pilot) grey, at the Stud
2012 filly HORKA (Pilot) bay, at the Stud
2013 a filly by Abyad AA, at the Stud
Breeding status:
bred to ABYAD AA
An eight time money-earner from the track during two full racing seasons, Horda is very much a true representative of her “H” damline known mainly for its hardy athletes, but also - as is always the case with Polish Arabians - for several outstanding champions of the show arena. The stamina-bearing individuals begin with Horda’s dam HEKLA (a double winner from the track over two seasons), HARBINA (Sasanka St. winner), HARBIN (a tenacious racer with 17 money earning finishes from 18 starts and two stake wins - Piechur & Wielki Szlem St. He also placed a strong second in the Derby, Kabaret, Janów Podlaski (Arabian Produce) & Michałów St. behind DRUID, Poland’s most successful racer of the last 75 years, which earned him the nickname of “Druid’s shadow”), HEBRON (Piechur St. & Janów Podlaski (Arabian Produce) St. winner ) and endurance contender HERBARZ.
Among those “H” equines that performed on the show arena is again Horda’s dam, HEKLA - a class top five finalist from the Polish Nationals in Janów Podlaski in a class with that year’s Junior Reserve Champion PUSTYNNA RÓŻA. Other show stars include (again) HARBIN (Bełżyce Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Champion), HARACZ (Polish National Senior Champion Stallion, Swedish National Senior Champion, European Senior Champion), HUN (multi US Regional Champion, Pacific Slope Champion, US National Senior Top Ten, Scottsdale class winner)& HULANKA (All Scandinavian Reserve Champion).
Horda is furthermore a direct female descendant of BAŁAŁAJKA: dam of US-epochal sire BASK, Janów Podlaski matron supreme BANDOLA (from whom descend such luminaries as BANDOS, BANAT & BALON) and her full sister ARFA, who supplied Polish breeding with the families of “H” and “A” lettered horses through her Oaks winning daughters - ABHAZJA & HARFA. HARFA’s heritage is mentioned above, whereas ABHAZJA’s input includes the likes of French & Salon du Cheval Champion Stallion ARBOR, Polish National Champions ARGO & ARARAT, All Nations Cup Champion Mare ALDARA and European & Polish National Champion Mare and racing’s Triple Crown holder ARRA.
On the spear side of Horda’s pedigree is HS ETIQUETTE - a European Senior Champion Stallion from the esteemed barns of Halsdon Arabians, out of the Polish broodmare ETENTA. This Elran Cup Senior Top Five, twice World Senior Top Ten & Belgian Arabian Prestige International Senior Bronze Champion Mare is a sister to a slew of peerless Michałów broodmares - EMIGRANTKA, EMANACJA, ERLANDA, ELLADA & EMOCJA - from their prized “E” dynasty of champions.