S/20. BINT MOLETA (with filly by Kahil Al Shaqab)
Breeder, owner: Falborek Arabians
PASB Vol. XV-3
grey mare
Date of birth: 14th of April, 2004
Measurements: 152 - 192 - 19 cm
Sire line: Ibrahim d.b. imp. 1907 to Antoniny
Dam line: Karima 1930 b. Kafr Ibrash Farm (Egypt)
ECAHO grey, 1990 |
PEPTON grey, 1977 |
ETRURIA grey, 1975 |
U.P. SHEITAN black, 1987 |
KP MALIKAH EL NIL grey, 1986 |
Bandos |
Pemba |
Palas |
Etna |
Mehanna |
Sheykha-Abbayah |
Idrees |
Hania |
Negatiw |
Bandola |
Czort |
Penza |
Aswan (Raafat) |
Panel |
Faher |
Elżunia |
Galal |
Mouna |
Ibn Galal |
Sherifa |
Adeeb |
Bint El Nil |
Tuhotmos |
Hodhoda |
Racing record:
Breeding record:
2008 filly BINT MORETA (KP Moreed) grey, sold
2009 colt BINT MARAJJ (Marajj) bay, gelded, sold
2010 filly BINT MAMA (Marajj) grey, 2013 Class Top Five (Three-Year-Old Fillies) at the Junior Sping Show – Białka (PL), at the Stud
2011 filly BINT MARA (Altis) grey, at the Stud
2013 a filly by Kahil al Shaqab, at the Stud
Breeding status:
bred to EMARC
Pure Polish meets Straight Egyptian - not only does Bint Moleta represent the best of both worlds, but she is offered for sale together with her exceptional 2013 filly by World Junior Champion Stallion, Kahil Al Shaqab. What makes this offer even more interesting is that Bint Moleta's older daughter BINT MAMA has just finished, the 2013 Junior Spring Show in the top five of her class.
The Pure Polish half of Bint Moleta is provided in the shape of ECAHO, a perfectly conformed equine worthy of being named after the European organization devoted to the Arabian horse. This Polish National Senior Champion & US National Top Ten is a royally bred son of two other Polish National Senior Champions - PEPTON & ETRURIA. PEPTON, a representative of the world-famous damline of PIEWICA, is also remembered as a valiant athlete and winner of as many as nine stake races. ETRURIA, one of Director Krzyształowicz’s most cherished mares, was further named Salon du Cheval Junior Champion (being the first Polish horse chosen to compete at the prestigious event), World Senior Champion, European Senior Reserve Champion & WAHO Trophy honoree for most outstanding Arabian of Polish breeding. ETRURIA & her daughter ESPARCETA have contributed among them as many as six chief sires (the others: ETOGRAM, ETMAN, EKSPORT, ESPADERO, ESCULAP) to the world of Arabian breeding, but it was ECAHO that remained the most talked about - not just for his extraordinary looks, but for his exceptional siring abilities.
Daughters of ECAHO are considered by many synonymous with the classic Polish Arabian mare. The most renown include OLITA (Scandinavian Champion, World Senior Top Ten, Burbank RCAHA Annual Spring Horse Show Champion, Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Top Five Mare, Scottsdale Senior Reserve Champion), EMANDA (Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Bábolna International Junior Champion, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion) & PALMETA (Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Champion Mare/Best in Show, European Senior Champion, Polish National Senior Champion/Best in Show, World Senior Top Ten).
But ECAHO didn’t stop there. His greatest strength as a sire became evident when his daughters turned broodmares and began producing some of the loudest names of recent years, as witnessed in EMANDA (dam of EMANDORIA), EKLERA (dam of EKINA), PALLAS-ATENA (dam of PSYCHE KREUZA & PSYCHE VICTORIA) or PALMETA (dam of PALATINO, PALABRA & PALATINA).
On the spear side of Bint Moleta’s pedigree we find a Straight Egyptian heritage in all its glory. Her maternal sire, UP SHEITAN, awarded with the Gold Ribbon in Germany, is a black beauty descending from the important broodmare MARAH, one of the pillar mares of the stud of Dr Nagel and foundress of a worldwide dynasty of Arabian achievers. Bint Moleta’s dam, KP BINT MALIKAH EL NIL benefits from multiple linebreeds to the iconic NAZEER. She stems from the desert-bred EL OBEYA OM GREES, a gift from King Aziz Ibn Saoud to the Egyptian Inshass Stud. On Polish soil KP BINT MALIKAH EL NIL has gone on to produce BINT MATIS, a class top five finalist from the International Show in Wels.