Racing record:
2002-2005 19 starts: 8xI (Europejczyk St., Derby St., Kurozwęki St., 2x Europa Cup, Figaro St.), 5xII (Europa Cup, 2x Michałów St., Kurozwęki St.), 2xIV (Sambor St.)
Breeding record:
2006-2008 Reguł Stud (Poland)
Racing record:
2006 8 starts: 2xIII, 2xIV
Breeding record:
2007 St. Roch Stud (Poland)
2008 Janów Podlaski
2006 8 starts: 2xIII, 2xIV
Breeding record:
2007 St. Roch Stud (Poland)
2008 Janów Podlaski
A striking young dark bay stallion with an outstanding Janów pedigree, PENTAMER embodies several of the qualities one comes to expect from centuries of Polish breeding genius. PENTAMER is in many ways a look-alike son of his World Champion sire GAZAL AL SHAQAB, renowned as one of the most accomplished international sires and show horses of the past decade. The GAZAL get are winning major championships and influencing breeding programs on every continent, with World & US National Champions MARWAN AL SHAQAB, EMANDORIA & PIANISSIMA leading the way. The brilliance of GAZAL is masterfully combined with the extraordinary worth of PENTAMER’s dam family: that of the legendary Polish broodmatron PIEWICA, foundress of Poland’s prolific and prodigious “P” family of champions. Through PIEWICA, PENTAMER shares the accomplished heritage of PILARKA, PENITENT, PEPTON, PESAL, PIRUET, PENICYLINA & PIANISSIMA, as well as Aristocrat Dams PENTODA & PESTKA, direct tail female descendants of PENTAMER in the third and fourth generation, respectively. PENTAMER’s dam is the valuable broodmare POHULANKA, blessed with a dose of double “P” through PEPTON & PESTKA, well known as the dam of dual Polish National Champion, World Top Ten, All Nations Cup & European Top Five, as well as emerging influential sire POGANIN.
Racing record:
2001-2003 21 starts: 6xI (Arabian Produce - Janów Podlaski St., Criterium St.), 8xII (Sambor St., Piechur St., Comet St., Derby St., Ofir St.), 2xIII (Bask St.), 3xIV (Comet St., Kurozwęki St.)
Breeding record:
2004 Bełżyce Stud (Poland)
2006-2008 Bełżyce Stud (Poland)
2001-2003 21 starts: 6xI (Arabian Produce - Janów Podlaski St., Criterium St.), 8xII (Sambor St., Piechur St., Comet St., Derby St., Ofir St.), 2xIII (Bask St.), 3xIV (Comet St., Kurozwęki St.)
Breeding record:
2004 Bełżyce Stud (Poland)
2006-2008 Bełżyce Stud (Poland)
As an accomplished racehorse with an exemplary pedigree of athletic achievement, FIOŁEK represents for the astute buyer the opportunity to share in the consistent and prepotent excellence of generations of Polish Arabian breeding. With an impressive record of 21 starts over three seasons with six firsts, eight seconds, two thirds and three fourth place finishes, encompassing two major stakes wins in the Produce (Janów Podlaski Stakes) and the Criterium as well as eight stakes-placed finishes (including a second in the Derby), FIOŁEK remains one of the most accomplished and consistent racers in recent track history. His ability is most definitely genetically influenced, as both his sire and dam can boast individual records as well as a renowned heritage of accomplishment. FIOŁEK’s sire, BATYSKAF, is the most recent Polish stallion to win the honors of Polish National Champion Stallion as well as Racehorse of the Year (with wins in the Derby & Criterium), who later sold for the record sum of $450,000 to the Turkish Jockey Club in the Polish auction. BATYKAF’s sire, PAMIR, was in turn a legitimate Polish legend as Polish National Champion Stallion, Racehorse of the Year, Służewiec track record holder, World Cup Champion Stallion as well as influential sire of international champions both in the show ring and on the race course. Maternally, FIOŁEK is a descendant of the phenomenal race dam FORTA, through her Oaks winning daughter FATMA, source of both athletic prowess and renowned beauty, as witnessed in World Champion FAWOR, Polish National Champion FORTISSIMA and Canadian National Champion, Polish National Champion & World Reserve Champion FALLADA.
Racing record:
2003 5 starts
Show record:
2001 Warsaw Summer Show Reserve Champion Colt
Breeding record:
2004 offered to private breeders
2005 Aneta Arabians (Poland)
2006 Janów Podlaski Stud
2007 Aneta Arabians (Poland)
2008 Janów Podlaski Stud
As a young champion son of Polish National Champion ARARAT and Pride of Poland high-seller EUZA, EPOLET embodies the excellence of the Janów Podlaski breeding program. His pedigree reads like a “Who’s Who” of Janów legends. Through his sire ARARAT, EPOLET shares the heritage of the incredible ARRA – the only mare to win the Triple Crown on the Polish race track, win the titles of Polish National & European Champion Mare as well as be acknowledged as an Aristocrat dam of five international champions. The excellence of ARRA is directly influenced by her double BAŁAŁAJKA heritage, “Miss Albigowa” and the dam of the legendary triumvirate of BASK, BANDOLA & ARFA. Maternally, EPOLET is influenced by US National Champion EL PASO & World Champion ETRURIA through multi-international champion maternal grandsire ETOGRAM, who further embodies the superb qualities of legendary sires CZORT, WITRAŻ & PALAS and the meritorious dams ELLORA, ETNA, FORTA, ELŻUNIA & ELZA. World & Polish National Champion FAWOR contributes the exemplary characteristics of FATMA, EXELSJOR, BOREXIA, NABOR & PROBAT. Tail-female, EPOLET traces directly to Polish National Champion & Aristocrat dam EUROPA, premier daughter of the immortal BANDOS, and full sister to the equally incomparable EUKALIPTUS, combing the further excellence of her revered dam EUNICE, with the enduring strength of COMET & AMURATH SAHIB.
2003 5 starts
Show record:
2001 Warsaw Summer Show Reserve Champion Colt
Breeding record:
2004 offered to private breeders
2005 Aneta Arabians (Poland)
2006 Janów Podlaski Stud
2007 Aneta Arabians (Poland)
2008 Janów Podlaski Stud
As a young champion son of Polish National Champion ARARAT and Pride of Poland high-seller EUZA, EPOLET embodies the excellence of the Janów Podlaski breeding program. His pedigree reads like a “Who’s Who” of Janów legends. Through his sire ARARAT, EPOLET shares the heritage of the incredible ARRA – the only mare to win the Triple Crown on the Polish race track, win the titles of Polish National & European Champion Mare as well as be acknowledged as an Aristocrat dam of five international champions. The excellence of ARRA is directly influenced by her double BAŁAŁAJKA heritage, “Miss Albigowa” and the dam of the legendary triumvirate of BASK, BANDOLA & ARFA. Maternally, EPOLET is influenced by US National Champion EL PASO & World Champion ETRURIA through multi-international champion maternal grandsire ETOGRAM, who further embodies the superb qualities of legendary sires CZORT, WITRAŻ & PALAS and the meritorious dams ELLORA, ETNA, FORTA, ELŻUNIA & ELZA. World & Polish National Champion FAWOR contributes the exemplary characteristics of FATMA, EXELSJOR, BOREXIA, NABOR & PROBAT. Tail-female, EPOLET traces directly to Polish National Champion & Aristocrat dam EUROPA, premier daughter of the immortal BANDOS, and full sister to the equally incomparable EUKALIPTUS, combing the further excellence of her revered dam EUNICE, with the enduring strength of COMET & AMURATH SAHIB.
Racing record:
2006 7 starts: 4xII, 1xIII, 1xIV
Breeding record:
2008 Janów Podlaski
An exciting young stallion that represents the promise of a royal heritage of athletic accomplishment, ABSYNT brilliantly combines the best genetics of the modern Polish breeding program. His sire GAZAL AL SHAQAB is evident in ABSYNT’s exceptional type and quality, as well in his robust, masculine build, strength, balance and aristocratic presence. As a sire GAZAL AL SHAQAB, has left an indelible mark on the breed, through such legendary get as: MARWAN AL SHAQAB – twice US National Champion, twice World Champion & All Nations Cup Champion; EMANDORIA – US National, European & World Champion; and PIANISSIMA – undefeated as US National, World, European, All Nations Cup, Polish National & Al Khalediah Invitational Champion. His stakes winning dam, ARABESKA, is the source of his long, elegant neck, smooth harmonious design and animated, powerful athleticism. ARABESKA is in turn a premier daughter of Polish National, European & Stakes-winning champion ELDON and the elegant, international champion-producing ARINA. Tail-female, ABSYNT is a member of the BAŁAŁAJKA-ARFA family through the Oaks winner ABHAZJA, Aristocrat dam ARBA and the peerless ARRA – the only mare to win the Polish Triple Crown (Derby, Oaks & Criterium), be crowned Polish National & European Champion Mare, as well as achieve Aristocrat Dam status with five international champion produce.
2006 7 starts: 4xII, 1xIII, 1xIV
Breeding record:
2008 Janów Podlaski
An exciting young stallion that represents the promise of a royal heritage of athletic accomplishment, ABSYNT brilliantly combines the best genetics of the modern Polish breeding program. His sire GAZAL AL SHAQAB is evident in ABSYNT’s exceptional type and quality, as well in his robust, masculine build, strength, balance and aristocratic presence. As a sire GAZAL AL SHAQAB, has left an indelible mark on the breed, through such legendary get as: MARWAN AL SHAQAB – twice US National Champion, twice World Champion & All Nations Cup Champion; EMANDORIA – US National, European & World Champion; and PIANISSIMA – undefeated as US National, World, European, All Nations Cup, Polish National & Al Khalediah Invitational Champion. His stakes winning dam, ARABESKA, is the source of his long, elegant neck, smooth harmonious design and animated, powerful athleticism. ARABESKA is in turn a premier daughter of Polish National, European & Stakes-winning champion ELDON and the elegant, international champion-producing ARINA. Tail-female, ABSYNT is a member of the BAŁAŁAJKA-ARFA family through the Oaks winner ABHAZJA, Aristocrat dam ARBA and the peerless ARRA – the only mare to win the Polish Triple Crown (Derby, Oaks & Criterium), be crowned Polish National & European Champion Mare, as well as achieve Aristocrat Dam status with five international champion produce.
Racing record:
2006-2007 16 starts: 2xII, 2xIII, 5xV
2006-2007 16 starts: 2xII, 2xIII, 5xV
Horse in western pleasure training
Blessed with a pleasing phenotype and an exemplary Michałów pedigree, ERSTED brings together the best of the Polish breeding program for the international breeder. ERSTED shares the extraordinary heritage of World Champion GAZAL AL SHAQAB, International Sire of Significance, whose stellar get include World & US National Champions MARWAN AL SHAQAB, EMANDORIA & PIANISSIMA. Through GAZAL, ERSTED benefits from the superlative qualities of US National Champions KAJORA, RUMINAJA ALI & SHAIKH AL BADI, World Champion KABORR, legendary foundation sires MORAFIC, ANSATA IBN HALIMA & NAZEER, as well as influential matrons ELLORA & BINT MAGIDAA. The distaff side of ERSTED’s pedigree represents the unparalleled family of EMIGRACJA, the “Pearl of Michałów”, a broodmatron of extraordinary worth with dozens of champion descendants to her credit, including 17 successive years of National-winning descendants at the Polish National Show. ERSTED is a great-grandson on the Living Legend through her beloved and accomplished EUKALIPTUS daughter EMANACJA, All Nations Cup, European & Polish National Champion, and the dam of five champion produce: EMANOR (Wojsław) – Polish National, US National, Canadian National & Scottsdale Champion; EMILDA (Pamir) – European Polish National & British National Champion; EMANDA (Ecaho) – World Champion, European, All Nations Cup & Polish National Reserve Champion; ESPADRILLA (Monogramm) – Polish National Reserve Champion; and EMPIRYKA (Monogramm) – Polish Spring Show Reserve Junior Champion, dam of ERSTED.
Blessed with a pleasing phenotype and an exemplary Michałów pedigree, ERSTED brings together the best of the Polish breeding program for the international breeder. ERSTED shares the extraordinary heritage of World Champion GAZAL AL SHAQAB, International Sire of Significance, whose stellar get include World & US National Champions MARWAN AL SHAQAB, EMANDORIA & PIANISSIMA. Through GAZAL, ERSTED benefits from the superlative qualities of US National Champions KAJORA, RUMINAJA ALI & SHAIKH AL BADI, World Champion KABORR, legendary foundation sires MORAFIC, ANSATA IBN HALIMA & NAZEER, as well as influential matrons ELLORA & BINT MAGIDAA. The distaff side of ERSTED’s pedigree represents the unparalleled family of EMIGRACJA, the “Pearl of Michałów”, a broodmatron of extraordinary worth with dozens of champion descendants to her credit, including 17 successive years of National-winning descendants at the Polish National Show. ERSTED is a great-grandson on the Living Legend through her beloved and accomplished EUKALIPTUS daughter EMANACJA, All Nations Cup, European & Polish National Champion, and the dam of five champion produce: EMANOR (Wojsław) – Polish National, US National, Canadian National & Scottsdale Champion; EMILDA (Pamir) – European Polish National & British National Champion; EMANDA (Ecaho) – World Champion, European, All Nations Cup & Polish National Reserve Champion; ESPADRILLA (Monogramm) – Polish National Reserve Champion; and EMPIRYKA (Monogramm) – Polish Spring Show Reserve Junior Champion, dam of ERSTED.
Racing record:
2007 5 starts: 1xIV
A handsome young Kuhailan-Saklawi blend stallion with the strength of a Michałów pedigree, EIGER promises to be a wise purchase for the insightful breeder. He is very reminiscent of the best sons of GAZAL AL SHAQAB, a group which includes World & US National Champion MARWAN AL SHAQAB, Canadian National Champion STAR GHAZAL, Polish National Champions DRABANT, EQUIFOR, PORTO & EL AZEM, as well as international champions GEORGETOWN & HUN. His maternal grandsire WACHLARZ is renowned for siring excellent daughters, no doubt the direct influence of the superlative dams BANDOLA, ARBA, WENDETA, WENEDA, TALANTLIVAIA, ELLORA & WERBENA in his pedigree. EIGER is further positively influenced by the immortal sire EUKALIPTUS through his elegant daughter ELIA and her dam EULALIA, one of the best daughters of Polish National Reserve Champion EUFRAT, in turn son of the cherished ESTEBNA, the very first European Champion Mare and the all-time favourite mare of Michałów Director Ignacy Jaworowski. EIGER has crosses to all three of Poland’s esteemed “E” families – through EUNICE (Sahara) & ELLORA (Wołoszka) as well as ELA & ESTOKADA (both Milordka).
2007 5 starts: 1xIV
Horse in western pleasure training
A handsome young Kuhailan-Saklawi blend stallion with the strength of a Michałów pedigree, EIGER promises to be a wise purchase for the insightful breeder. He is very reminiscent of the best sons of GAZAL AL SHAQAB, a group which includes World & US National Champion MARWAN AL SHAQAB, Canadian National Champion STAR GHAZAL, Polish National Champions DRABANT, EQUIFOR, PORTO & EL AZEM, as well as international champions GEORGETOWN & HUN. His maternal grandsire WACHLARZ is renowned for siring excellent daughters, no doubt the direct influence of the superlative dams BANDOLA, ARBA, WENDETA, WENEDA, TALANTLIVAIA, ELLORA & WERBENA in his pedigree. EIGER is further positively influenced by the immortal sire EUKALIPTUS through his elegant daughter ELIA and her dam EULALIA, one of the best daughters of Polish National Reserve Champion EUFRAT, in turn son of the cherished ESTEBNA, the very first European Champion Mare and the all-time favourite mare of Michałów Director Ignacy Jaworowski. EIGER has crosses to all three of Poland’s esteemed “E” families – through EUNICE (Sahara) & ELLORA (Wołoszka) as well as ELA & ESTOKADA (both Milordka).
2003-2004 12 starts: 2xI, 1xII, 2xIII (Piechur St.), 2xIV
Breeding record:
2005-2007 offered to private breeders at Michałów Stud
Horse in western pleasure training
One of the most handsome and most well constructed sons of the indomitable DRUID, DIAMENT represents a masterful blend of the most elite Polish racing bloodlines. His sire DRUID was nothing short of legendary – the son of Polish National Champion WOJSŁAW and Derby winner DALIDA – who over three seasons amassed an incomparable race record of thirteen wins in fifteen starts, including wins in 10 stakes races, making him the most successful racehorse of the post war period. DIAMENT’s dam, DECYZJA, was a premier daughter of PAMIR – Poland’s archetypal accomplished Arabian athlete – still honored as
a breed legend as World Cup Champion Stallion, Polish National Champion Stallion & Derby-winning Polish Racehorse of the Year. DECYZJA faithfully reflected her sire’s superior construction and athletic prowess, successfully placing in all but one of her 21 starts during her two-year tenure on the track. Like PAMIR, she is big and powerful, with a strong well-coupled body, considerable substance of both muscle and bone, three-dimensional athletic capacity through her forehand, barrel and hindquarter, and a long, purposeful stride. On the distaff side, DECYZJA traces directly to the fabulous FORTA through her eldest and best daughter DYSKA, Polish Oaks winner and full sister to the all-time leading sire of race Polish champions CZORT. This dam family is acclaimed as the most successful racing line in Poland, encompassing such accomplished athletes as Derby winners DZIEWIERZ, DEKOR & EQUIFOR; Criterium winners DUNAJEC, FIGARO & FINISZ; Oaks winners FATMA, FORSA & DRACENA; and Europa Cup winner FAWOR.
2003-2006 45 starts: 7xI, 8xII, 5xIII, 7xIV (Kabaret St.)
Breeding record:
2006-2007 offered to private breeders at Michałów Stud
Horse in western pleasure training
A classic Kuhailan stallion with a stellar pedigree of champion performers, DARGIN represents an incomparable heritage of athletic accomplishment and genetic promise. His sire DRUID was considered the greatest modern race horse in Poland, with 13 wins in 15 starts including the Derby, Criterium, Produce and Europa Cup. His athletic prowess was a direct gift of his Derby- winning dam DALIDA as well as his powerfully built Polish National Champion sire WOJSŁAW, descendant of such athletic influentials as CZORT, SAHIBA, WIELKI SZLEM, PRIBOJ, TARASZCZA, EL PASO & WERBENA. DARGIN’s dam DRABORA is a daughter of Criterium winner & Polish Racehorse of the Year BOREK, the best siring son of Polish National Reserve Champion Mare BOROWINA. BOROWINA also produced the excellent Criterium winner BORYSŁAW, and was a paternal sister to the legendary racehorse and the incomparably influential racehorse sire WIKING. DARGIN’s maternal grand-dam DRACENA was a Polish Oaks winner, trailing tail-female to the most successful family of racing athletes in the history of Polish breeding – FORTA.
In show training
Show record:
2007 Top Five of the yearling colts class at the Junior Spring Arabian Horse Show - Białka
2007 2nd in class at the Autumn Arabian Horse Show - Janów Podlaski
2008 Special Award for the Highest Scored Private Bred 2 year old at the Junior Spring Arabian Horse Show - Białka
2008 International Champion Colt - Radpuszta, Hungary
In show training
Show record:
2007 Top Five of the yearling colts class at the Junior Spring Arabian Horse Show - Białka
2007 2nd in class at the Autumn Arabian Horse Show - Janów Podlaski
2008 Special Award for the Highest Scored Private Bred 2 year old at the Junior Spring Arabian Horse Show - Białka
2008 International Champion Colt - Radpuszta, Hungary